Every Sunday 11:45 Am
Our purpose and mission can be summarised by The Greatest Commandments (Matt 22:36-40) and The Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20). As a church we strive to live our lives around the Commandments and the Commission.
Our purpose and mission can be summarised by The Greatest Commandments (Matt 22:36-40) and The Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20). As a church we strive to live our lives around the Commandments and the Commission.
Love God, Love People and Make Disciples
Tim Keller says that the gospel is not the ABCs of the Christian life but the A-Z of the Christian life. The gospel is important not just for our justification at the moment of conversion, but also for sanctification, becoming more and more like Jesus until the day we die and go to be with Jesus in glory. That means that we never “graduate” from the gospel. It is always central to the Christian life. The gospel is the fountain from which all doctrine and Christian practice spring. We aim to keep the gospel the main thing.
We call ourselves an Indian Community Church because we cater to the specific needs of Indian culture and a very diverse multi-faith Indian community. But we also recognise that the glorious, ultimate picture of the church that we see in Revelation (7:9-12) is a people of God from every nation, tribe, people and language.
We are part of that global church that Christ builds. We believe that each tribe and people's culture and language are preserved amid a mosaic of heavenly culture. We see unity in diversity. We believe that the local church should be a foretaste of heaven. A community that reflects and embraces its context's diversity, but the gospel's power transcends it and creates one new community in Christ.
Charles Spurgeon famously said, “Every Christian is a missionary or an imposter”. This does not mean that every Christian should quit their job and travel to a faraway land to proclaim the gospel. Instead, it means that every Christian should be obedient to the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Every disciple of Christ should be a disciple-maker of Christ. To make a disciple, you first need to be a disciple.